Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 2011

March 2011

FMWC Next Meeting
Message From Our President
Petition Drive And North West Open Space
5th Annual Poppies Celebration 2011
Poppies Schedule Of Events
Volunteer For Poppies!
Borderland Mountain Bike Association
Teaming With Wildlife
Park News
Mark Your Calendars
Poppies Day Proclamation
TXDOT Public Hearing Transmountain Rd
El Paso Museum Of Archaeology:
Earth Day Celebrations
FMWC Board
Lone Star Legacy
FMWC In Cyberspace

NEXT MEETING: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. THURSDAY, March 17, 2011

MEETING LOCATION: The Garden Center, Memorial Park, 3105 Grant Map:


First, I would like to thank all who were able to attend the annual meeting in January. It was one of the largest crowds we have had in quite a few years and I hope everyone enjoyed the company and the presentation by Steve Bonner. He updated us on the current status of the federal grant to study how a conservation conveyance can be applied to surplus military properties. It is hoped this will translate to a mechanism that will permit Castner Range to be preserved as open space.

I would like to take this opportunity thank our out-going at-large board members Jim Tolbert and Matt Carroll for their service to the group and participation in the board meetings. Their help is much appreciated.

Please welcome our two new at-large members: Raul Amaya and Nick Havelick. We greatly appreciate their willingness to attend the bi-monthly board meetings and participate in the board’s decision making processes and look forward to working with them in the coming year.

It is hard to believe but the 5th annual Poppies celebration is fast approaching. Please see the information below about how you can help make this event a success. It is a huge undertaking and volunteers are always needed. If you have time to help out, please do. In any case, I hope you will be able to come and enjoy this important event that keeps the idea of preserving Castner Range as open space at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

For the latest information on this topic, check Jim Tolbert’s Blog, elpasonaturally.


Franklin Mountains Poppies Preservation Celebration, takes place on Saturday, March 26, 2011at the El Paso Museum of Archaeology, 4301 Transmountain Road. Free parking is at EPCC NE Campus on Gateway North. NO parking for the public at the museum or on Transmountain Road! We have ADA Free Shuttle service from EPCC NE Campus to Museum 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.2011 marks the fifth year for the Franklin Mountains Poppies Preservation Celebration – a FREE Family Fun Event that will include a full day of programming with Children’s Activity Center, nature talks and walks, wildlife displays and visits with a real wolf and a Golden Eagle, educational exhibits, demonstrations, art vendors, film festival, live music and food. El Pasoans care deeply about the Franklin Mountains – one of our area’s greatest assets. We are frequently blessed with a stunning wildflower display over particular parts of the Franklin Mountains when the Mexican golden poppies burst forth on Castner Range. In addition to the poppies, the Festival is an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and all our mountains have to offer. The grounds of the El Paso Museum of Archaeology boast examples of more than 200 native plants. Witness unparalleled views of the Franklin Mountains, the Hueco Bolson that stretches from the Franklin east to the Hueco Mountains, and on clear days, Mt. Sierra Blanca.

This spectacular event is made possible by our sponsors: El Paso Electric, El Paso Natural Gas, El Paso Regional Economic Development Corporation (REDCo), El Paso Community College, El Paso Times, El Paso Natural Gas, Bowen Ranch, COSTCO, Slakabilly, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Ysleta del Sur Pueblo.

Organizing sponsors include Chihuahuan Desert Education Coalition, El Paso Archaeological Society, El Paso Cactus and Rock Club, El Paso County Master Gardeners, El Paso Museum and Cultural Affairs Department, El Paso Museum of Archaeology, El Paso Native Plant Society, El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society, El Paso Water Utilities, El Paso Zoo, Environmental Protection Agency, Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition, Friends Of The Rio Bosque, League Of Women Voters Of El Paso, Rio Grande Council of Governments, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Trans Pecos Chapter Of The Texas Master Naturalists, United Inter-Tribal Nations.Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the poppies during this FREE Family Fun event. For more information, please call the El Paso Museum of Archaeology at (915) 755-4332. Check for the latest information.


Outside Activities:
10am-4pm Information Exhibitors10am-6pm Art VendorsLeyton Cougar with Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary in Ramah, New Mexico will have a socialized live wolf from his sanctuary at the celebration.

At the Bandstand (under the carport):
10am-10:30am Welcome Presentations from Event Committee and Public Officials
10:30am United Inter Tribal Nations morning blessing with traditional drum and dance
11 am Special Presentation by the Southwest Environmental Education Center
Noon Ysleta del Sur Pueblo traditional drum and dance1pm Ceiba, Native Folk Music
2pm Cheryl Garing, Plants of the Franklin Mountains
2:30pm Katherine Palafox, Keep El Paso Beautiful
3pm Rick LoBello and Meet Takota, The El Paso Zoo's new Golden Eagle Ambassador for Conservation of the Chihuahuan Desert, Why we need to save the Castner Range and how you can help.
4pm-6pm Slackabilly (Band)

Children’s Activity Center (Gazebo) 11 – 4:
Continuous fun, educational activates for children of all ages including sand art, potato stamps and beanbag toss. Face painting all day in the Exhibit area.
Feature Activities:
11:00am – Journal Making
1:00pm – Basket Making

Tours - All tours will be on the Museum grounds and last less than an hour. The start point - the gazebo.
10:00am Indian Uses of our Desert sponsored by the Museum of Archaeology
11:00am Identification of Native Plants sponsored by the El Paso Native Plant Society
12:00pm Indian Uses of our Desert sponsored by the Museum of Archaeology
1:00pm West TX Cacti Tour El Paso sponsored by the Cactus and Rock Club
2:00pm Indian Uses of our Desert sponsored by the Museum of Archaeology
3:00pm Identification of Native Plants sponsored by the El Paso Native Plant Society
4:00pm Indian Uses of our Desert sponsored by the Museum of Archaeology
5:00pm West TX Cacti Tour sponsored by the El Paso Cactus and Rock Club

Inside Film Activities:
10 am–11am - Lords of Nature: Life in a Land of Great Predators, Green Fire Productions 11am-noon – Legends of El Paso Mountains, CAPSTONE PRODUCTIONS INC.
Noon –1pm – What is the Future for Castner Range? By FMWC.
1pm-2pm – El Paso’s Mount Cristo Rey, CAPSTONE PRODUCTIONS INC.
2pm – 3pm – Lords of Nature: Life in a Land of Great Predators, Green Fire Productions
3pm-4pm - Ghost Stories of El Paso Vol. 2, CAPSTONE PRODUCTIONS INC. (1 hr) w


We are calling for Volunteers for 5th Annual Franklin Mountains Poppies Preservation Celebration on Castner Range. This is a great opportunity to acquire volunteer hours AND be an integral part of this fun filled event. Please fill out volunteer applications available at the El Paso Museum of Archaeology website: and return them to Socorro Diamondstein: or drop-off at: Museums and Cultural Affairs Dept, City Hall, 1st Floor, 2 Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, Texas 79901. For more information call Socorro at (915) 541-4481.

Volunteer Duties Include:
• Direct people to the shuttle loading areas
• Parking lot attendants
• Food vendor assistants (helping serve Buffalo Stew, must have a food handler’s card)
• Assist event goers to separate and recycle their trash
• Assist children of all ages with arts and crafts activities
• Help exhibitors to set up and/or tear down their exhibit spaces
• Shuttle bus tour guide as event attendees travel from the parking lot to the event (a script is provided).


The Borderland Mountain Bike Association has been quietly working in the background on a few projects. Our biggest project is about to become a reality as the city has allowed us to construct a parking lot at the end of Redd Rd. near the water tanks. This will be a nice addition to the area as parking at this time is limited to the road or the dentist office. Parking on the road will not be possible when Helen of Troy is completed. The lot will have 27 spaces and the club will be installing signage to the trails and a trail map will be installed next to the water tanks. Financial donors to this project will have their name printed on the map/information kiosk. If you would like to donate, contact Brent Sanders at, the title sponsor of January's Puzzler race has officially launched their website. It is really cool in that it provides printable and downloadable maps of all the great rides and hikes in El Paso. They are also hosting their first virtual race where anyone can enter for free! Just register at, upload the race file to your gps device, go ride the route as fast as you can, and send your new file back to geobetty between March 7 and April 30. They are giving away a $100 prize to one lucky contestant. Also, if you have a favorite ride that you don't see on their website, upload it from your gps device onto their page and become a contributor to the new site.

The Coyote Classic is coming AGAIN March 20! For 20 something years the Coyote Classic has been the opening event for the New Mexico Off Road Series. The courses are currently available on geobetty. Early registration ends March 14. Register
BMBA Blog:


Fish and wildlife conservation have been on the funding chopping block. Please consider Teaming with Wildlife, a coalition of more than 6,300 organizations supporting increased public funding for wildlife conservation and related education and recreation. Organization membership will help ensure that state wildlife agencies and their conservation partners have the funding they need to fully implement their wildlife action plans, conserving wildlife and natural areas for future generations. Go to for more details.

PARK NEWS (John Nunez)

Well, it certainly has been busy, yet lots fun here at Franklin Mountains State Park! This last weekend all of us at the park were happy to be a part of the Texas Outdoor Family Program. Hosted by Texas Parks and Wildlife, this event was all about teaching families how to be well prepared for a successful camping trip. Ten local families, (approximately 40 people), participated in the event which included courses on how to cook in the outdoors, set up camp and enjoy nature responsibly. For those that have never had the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of camping, this event was the perfect introduction to camping in the great outdoors. Parks and Wildlife staff Cassie and Lindsey from the Austin and Dallas areas hosted the event and provided tents, lanterns, camp stoves and water to the families that participated. Park volunteers George Murray and Richard Love also helped out with the set up and photography of the event.

In preparation for the event, Park staff has been working for the past month on the conversion of some of the picnic sites near the Aztec Cave trailhead and at the end loop near the Schaeffer Shuffle trailhead into campsites. Ten picnic sites are now set up with tent pads for campers increasing our campsite availability to 15 campsites. Hard work it was, but a great deal of fun and a great workout for all of us that were on the project!

Obviously there is a new look to the park lately with the extra campsites but that has not been the only addition to the park. The Lower Sunset, West Cottonwood, Aztec Cave, Nature Walk, Upper Sunset and Schaeffer Shuffle trailhead kiosks are now complete! Lead ranger Robert Pichardo recently installed the interpretive panels that display information and maps in English and Spanish giving the trailheads a polished look.
Now that the days are starting to warm up, more and more people are coming out to enjoy all that the park has to offer. Lately park volunteers Robert Cosell, George Murray, and Heath Shawhart, have been giving tours on the weekends mostly to folks who have never visited the Franklin Mountains before. Park staff, along with the much appreciated help from dedicated volunteers, has led guided tours to some of the area’s schools.
It is rewarding to see more people come out and enjoy El Paso’s natural wonder for the first time. It is often heard from people who live in El Paso say that they had never visited the park before. It is the goal of all of us that work and volunteer at the park to encourage people to come out and enjoy a hike through their park.

Please see our e-newsletter for photos of the recent activities at the park provided by volunteer Richard Love. Enjoy!


Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2011:
El Paso City Council will proclaim March 26, 2011 as “Franklin Mountains Poppies Preservation Day”. Join us at City Hall by 9:00 a.m. to show your support for preserving Castner Range, the only place in Texas where Mexican Gold Poppies bloom.

Tuesday, Mar. 22, 2011:
Public Hearing - Loop 375 TransMountain Rd. Project I-10 to east of the Franklin Mountain State Park Entrance. The Open House starts at 6 p.m. and the Public Hearing starts at 7 p.m. The location is Canutillo High School Cafeteria, 6675 South Desert Blvd. El Paso, TX.

Your participation is critical to ensure the Transmountain road expansion meets the needs of El Pasoans. How do YOU want this road to look? TXDOT is asking for your comments.

This is not a Question and Answer session. TXDOT will give a briefing and ask for your comments, verbally or in writing. You do not have to be present to comment. See the TXDOT website for more details.

TXDOT: “The purpose of the hearing is to provide information about the proposed improvements to Loop 375 from I-10 to east of the Franklin Mountains State Park entrance, a distance that includes approximately 3.6 miles of main lanes and approximately 2.10 miles of frontage roads (from Northwestern Drive to Paseo Del Norte Drive).

The proposed improvements will consist of expanding the current two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with two-lane frontage roads. The improvements also include grade separated intersections at Northwestern Drive, Resler Drive, Plexxar Drive and Paseo del Norte Drive as well as two direct connectors from Loop 375 west to I-10 east and from I-10 west to Loop 375 east. As part of this project shared hike-and-bike trail will be constructed separate from the roadways, near the Loop 375 right-of-way line, between the intersections of Northwestern Drive and Paseo del Norte Drive. Access to the LP 375 main lanes and frontage roads will be by means of entrance and exit ramps at various locations between intersections. The right-of-way (ROW) footprint and geometric design provides for expansion to six main lanes from Northwestern Drive to east of Paseo del Norte Drive.”


Teachers and Group Leaders: Schedule a Free Tour of the museum for your School or Group with two weeks advance reservation, call 915-755-4332

El Paso Museum of Archaeology Continuing Exhibit through August 14, 2011:
Settlement Legacy: Native Americans of the Pass of the North
Free Admission - Guest Curator Nicholas P. Houser, local anthropologist and historian, tells the dramatic story of the Manso, Suma, Piro, and Tigua Indians who, over four centuries ago, founded the missions and pueblos that evolved into today’s sister cities, El Paso-Ciudad Juárez.

Three Free Lectures at 2:00 pm in conjunction with the exhibit:
Saturday, March 12, 2011, Nicholas P. Houser, Guest Curator, speaking on the Manso, Suma, Piro, and Tigua Indian settlements of El Paso-Ciudad Juárez

Saturday, April 2, 2011, Dr. David Carmichael speaking on the origins and migrations of the Mescalero Apache

Sunday, May 15, 2011, Dr. Mario Garza speaking on the Coahuiltecans: The Struggle for Legitimacy in a Hispanic World

Saturday, March 19, 2011, 1:00 pm, Free Admission

Museum Tour for Adults - These free one-hour, docent-led tours of the El Paso Museum of Archaeology will introduce participants to the people of El Paso’s ancient past from the Paleoindians who lived here 14,000 years ago to the Mescalero Apache people of today. Visitors will also see prehistoric artifacts from several regions of México. To enjoy the gardens, wear suitable clothing, shoes, and sun protection.
Reservations are not necessary but contact the museum if you plan to attend, 915-755-4332;

March 15-18, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Spring Archaeology Camp, $70 per child for non-members, $55 per child for members
For children 7 to 12 years old, child must have completed first grade, pottery making and other activities, limited to twelve students, advanced paid registration required, contact for registration form and payment: 915-755-4332;

March 20, 2011, 2:00 pm, Free Admission
El Paso Archaeological Society Speaker:
Larry Baron speaking on the Tarahumara/Anasazi Connection

April 2, 2011: The City of El Paso Environmental Services Department is sponsoring a funfilled family day and educational event to kick-off Earth Day Celebrations in El Paso. Our event will be free and open to the general public. It will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Album Park, 3001 Parkwood Drive in East El Paso. The outdoor event aims to promote recycling, waste reduction and the preservation of the environment and of our natural resources.


President: Scott Cutler
Vice President: Jane Fowler
Secretary: Judy Ackerman
Treasurer: Pat White
At Large Members: Raul Amaya and Nick Havelick

You can make a lasting contribution to the future of Franklin Mountains State Park with your tax-deductible donation to the Lone Star Legacy Endowment Fund. Checks, payable to "Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation" can be sent to: Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Attention: Lone Star Legacy, P.O. Box 191207, Dallas, TX, 75219. Mark your donation to the endowment fund for Franklin Mountains State Park.

This is the electronic version of the Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition newsletter. To be added to or removed from the distribution list, contact:
Many of you also receive the paper version of this newsletter. If you wish to help us save paper and postage by receiving the e-newsletter only, contact:

The Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition:

Borderland Mountain Bike Association * Border Toasters, Toastmasters International * Celebration of Our Mountains * Chihuahuan Desert Education Coalition * Chihuahuan Desert Wildlife Rescue * El Paso Archaeological Society * El Paso Cactus and Rock Club * El Paso Native Plant Society * El Paso Regional Group of the Sierra Club * El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society *El Paso Youth Symphony * Friends of the Rio Bosque *Jolly Elders * League of Women Voters of El Paso * Mesilla Valley Audubon Society * Mountain Park Community Association * Photography Enthusiasts of El Paso * Southern New Mexico Group of the Sierra Club * Southwestern Environmental Center * Skyline Optimist Club of El Paso * Trans Pecos Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists * Vista Hills Rotary Club