- Sharing the results of the first public design charrette with the community held in late November;
- Presenting and obtaining public feedback on five new scenarios designed after the first community meeting; and
- Gauging public preference on the design and direction of public art to be incorporated into the site.
Over 50 meeting attendees participated in three exercises designed to fulfill these purposes and refine and provide greater detail on the information obtained at the first meeting. Findings from the second charrette reinforce many of the minimalist themes communicated during the first. Overall, those scenarios with the smallest footprint received the greatest amount of positive feedback, while amenities such as a cross-walk linking the Palisades Park trailhead to the Billy Rogers Arroyo Park, the provision of a slip-lane along Robinson and a gathering space at the trailhead’s entrance were viewed favorably. Adequate parking balanced by minimal intrusion into the park continued to be a concern with many participants observing that well-hidden on-site parking was a strength of many of the plans.
To view the full report and to learn more about this important issue visit: