Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Update to FMSP Entrance

Your calls, letters and e-mails made a difference when you asked TxDOT and elected officials to ensure that Franklin Mountains State Park (FMSP) will have a safe and effective entrance to the Tom Mays Section of the Park from Transmountain! 
El Paso County Judge Veronica Escobar, Chair of the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Policy Board (TPB) said she received dozens of e-mails.  In her reply she said, “Please know that TxDOT is still in the process of gathering input for the park entrance and your email was forwtarded to the TxDOT engineer who is charged with that process….  At a meeting earlier this week, the MPO Transportation Policy Board made it clear that we wanted the input regarding the entrance to take into account not only vehicle safety but also the needs and safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and wildlife.”
During that meeting on 15 April, Mayor John Cook made an amendment that gave direction to TxDOT saying, “the environmental needs assessment for the Franklin Mountain State Park Entrance must include pedestrian, vehicular, and wildlife access as well as traffic safety to both sides of the Park and a commitment that District Discretionary funds up to $10 million will be used if no other source of funding is found.”
The MPO TPB heard that you support our State Park.  Thank you!  Now we must stay vigilant.

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