Monday, September 16, 2013

El Paso Water Utility and Sound Land Management

John E. Balliew, President & CEO of EPWU / PSB for EPWU provided us with the following quote regarding the water utility’s view on water conservation and long term sustainability.

“Sound land management is a huge part of the El Paso Water Utilities/Public Service Board’s water resources strategy that ensures a sustainable water supply for El Paso. EPWU master plans all PSB managed land prior to sale to ensure open space is protected, while still allowing for responsible development to take place.

While some PSB land should be preserved to aid in the efforts to conserve water, the community needs to strike a balance between many competing needs and interests. Rather than just setting aside more land as open space we advocate for a deliberate effort to determine how much land should be set aside and where. That deliberation needs to include a planning process involving the City of El Paso and stakeholders.”

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