Monday, September 1, 2008

September 2008

{FMWC} E-Newsletter -- September 2008

NEXT MEETING: September 17, 2008

The next meeting of the Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition is Wednesday, 9/17 at 7 p.m. It takes place in Room 411, Burgess Hall on the UTEP campus. Burgess Hall is at the intersection of Sun Bowl Drive and University Ave. on the west side of the campus. Please be prompt. The building entrance locks automatically in the evenings. If you arrive late and no one is at the door, call 861-4361 and someone will come to let you in. For more information contact Scott Cutler (581-6071).

We are honored to have a guest speaker at Wednesday’s meeting: Shamori Rose Whitt, Open Space Coordinator of the City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department. Her topic will be the department’s Carpe Viridus (Seize the Green) initiatives which are now in the conceptual stage.

The first initiative is geared towards informing the general public about the ratio of publicly owned vs. privately owned portions of the Franklin Mountains; formulating a strategy to acquire privately owned acreage, and generating revenue for possible purchases. This initiative will link to major projects currently in the planning stage: the Mountain to River Trail Corridor and the Scenic-Arroyo Park Extension.

The Green Infill initiative focuses on maximizing the recreational utility of existing properties such as utility corridors, drainage canals and detention ponds. The Healthy Risk-Taking initiative promotes the opportunity for citizens of El Paso to take healthy risks through physical challenges. This would include the “Mowad Outdoor Adventure Park” and development of a comprehensive natural surface trail system which would be built and maintained by a Parks and Recreation trail group. Please plan to “seize” the opportunity to hear more about these promising proposals and to provide feedback to Ms. Whitt. We hope to see you there!

Saturday, September 20
9 AM – 3 PM

The Fiesta is a FREE community event at the end of the Loop (Site 38) in the Tom Mays section of Franklin Mountains State Park (western base of Transmountain Rd.) and part of the Celebration of the Franklin Mountains State Park Lone Star Legacy. Entrance fees to the park will be waived as part of the Celebration. Members of the Chihuahuan Desert Education Coalition will be on hand to offer free presentations and demonstrations introducing the wonders of our fascinating Northern Chihuahuan Desert: its plants and animals, terrain and geology. Informational booths of area organizations, such as FMWC, will be up and running along with an exciting program of guest speakers. Not to mention the First Annual Chili Cook-Off hosted by the Park; raffles for artwork; guided walks and wagon and horse rides, courtesy of the Serna Ranch. More details about this fantastic FREE event available at Make plans now to pack up family and friends for a day’s worth of fun, learning, catching up with old friends and making new ones on the awesome green-splashed, wildflower- dotted slopes of our own Franklin mountains.



FMWC member organization, The Borderland Mountain Bike Association, is holding two days of trail building on October 18 and 25 to finish the new trail that passes west of Bowen’s Ranch on the east side of the mountain. Trailblazing sponsor is New Belgium Brewery and there will be a New Trail Celebration October 25 with free admission for all session participants. Please sign up to volunteer by October 1 (so lunch can be provided on the trail) by calling David Wilson at 471-9232; email Find the mountain bikers wonderful website at


Great news from John Moses, General Superintendent, El Paso Parks, Texas Parks and Wildlife (Franklin Mountains State Park, Hueco Tanks State Historic Site and the Wyler Aerial Tramway), concerning the recent “deeding ceremony” of El Paso Electric Co. acreage to the Franklin Mountains State Park. John says that the ceremony, photographed by Cesar Mendez and Richard Love, was attended by County Commissioner Escobar, TV 14 and 7 and an El Paso Inc. reporter. The deed transfer effectively legalizes some of the existing trails and the park will be looking for volunteers to help Mike Olbrisch with a cleanup of the old right-of-way.

Excerpt from September 5th TPWD Press Release:
“Hikers and mountain bikers will have more of FMSP to explore thanks to a donation from El Paso Electric Co. to the TPWD. The donation of approximately 63 acres of the utility company’s 150-foot right-of-way, which crosses the width of the Franklin Mountains in the southernmost reaches of the state park, will create expanded recreational opportunities for park users. The donated land adds roughly 18,000 feet of trail to the 24,000-acre park’s more than 100 miles of hiking and mountain biking trails….El Paso Electric’s donation is in keeping with the company’s intent to work with the community when circumstances arise to improve the quality of life for El Pasoans. ‘FMSP is just one of the attractions that makes El Paso such a great place to live and work,’ said Frank Bates, EP Electric’s interim president and CEO. ‘With this donation, EP Electric is proud to make it easier for more people to enjoy this beautiful park.’ FMSP is the largest urban park in the continental U.S. and lies entirely within the El Paso city limits…At the recent El Paso Media Group’s Best of El Paso Awards ceremony, the state park received the award for the city’s Best Hiking Trail.”

A big West Texas sized thank you to El Paso Electric!

For more of the latest news and information about upcoming events at the Park, visit their great website:


Rick Lobello, EP Zoo Education Curator, writes to let us know that September kicks off EP Zoo Adventure Programs created by Zoo Education Specialists to provide a “perfect mix of animals, experiences and excitement…for every age group, from toddlers and schoolchildren to adults and seniors. Each program features an environment rich in discovery opportunities including special animal encounters. Some programs are seasonal while others are offered throughout the year.” From Adventure Teen Camps to Grandma or Grandpa Special Mornings to Teacher Workshops to Asia Sleepovers, Night Prowls and Toddler Treks, these programs offer fantastic opportunities for all of us “to discover the natural world we share with the rest of the planet.” For more information, program descriptions and fees or to register online visit


FMWC is a Stakeholder in the Eagles Rock Team, a group formed by Canutillo Independent School District to develop outdoors educational programs. Pauline Dow, Associate Superintendent at CISD, provided a recent update, paraphrased as follows:

Members of the Eagles Rock Team met with Coach Scott Johnson from the Saint Clements Outdoor Program (an original model for the programs being developed at CISD). Coach Johnson agreed to join the Team and to work with the core group (representatives from each CISD campus as well as other key district members) to develop training (perhaps in a wild retreat) to lead groups of kids in various outdoor experiences. Cate Bradley from NPS-RTCA is helping the Team explore a “Safe Routes to Schools” program and providing technical assistance from her project, the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program. Eagles Rock core group is working on the logistics for the training event with Coach Johnson; working on plans to launch Eagles Rock with one or two grade levels in Spring 2009; submitting grant applications to secure funding for program staff and operating expenses; and setting a date for the Stakeholder Team to meet in July of 2009 for a report on the launch and expansion of Eagles Rock.

FMWC is proud to participate in this innovative approach to educating public school students about “The Great Outdoors”. We hope that the Canutillo Eagles Rock program will provide inspiration and encouragement to other area school districts to include outdoor education and appreciation of natural area environments in everyday public school curriculum. This type of initiative bodes very well for future caretaking of our mountain, river, wetland, and desert habitats. For more information please contact Ms. Dow at 915-877-7475.

A gentle reminder to Coalition members: FMWC dues should be paid each January. If you misplaced your membership application, you can find one on our website. Please get those dues in.


You can make a lasting contribution to the future of Franklin Mountains State Park with your tax-deductible donation to the Lone Star Legacy Endowment Fund. Checks, payable to "Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation" can be sent to: Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Attention: Lone Star Legacy, P.O. Box 191207, Dallas, TX, 75219. Mark your donation to the endowment fund for Franklin Mountains State Park.


This is the electronic version of the Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition newsletter. To be added to or removed from the distribution list, contact:
Many of you also receive the paper version of this newsletter. If you wish to help us save paper and postage by receiving the e-newsletter only, contact:

The Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition
Borderland Mountain Bike Association * Border Toasters of Toastmasters International * Celebration of Our Mountains * Chihuahuan Desert Education Coalition * Chihuahuan Desert Wildlife Rescue * El Paso Archaeological Society * El Paso Cactus and Rock Club * El Paso Native Plant Society * El Paso Regional Group of the Sierra Club * El Paso/Trans-Pecos Audubon Society * Friends of the Rio Bosque * League of Women Voters of El Paso * Mesilla Valley Audubon Society * Mountain Park Community Association * Photography Enthusiasts of El Paso * Skyline Optimist Club of El Paso * Southern New Mexico Group of the Sierra Club * Southwest Environmental Center * Trans-Pecos Chapter, Texas Master Naturalists

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