Friday, March 21, 2014

Support your Local Sierra Club

Your local El Paso Group of the Sierra Club asks for a moment of your time to hear a new message, a message of renewal and redirection.

Only a year ago we were asking for help to reduce out huge legal fee debt for fighting TxDot’s “overblown” plan for Transmountain Road. Before that it was a plea for help to fight the reopening of ASARCO. While you responded generously with donations ranging from $10 to $5000, the average was about $20, not enough to make a dent in our $50,000 legal bill. It was ultimately the generosity of Lowerre, Frederick et al, who stopped sending us bills, that is allowing us to move forward with our renewal.
Now, with your votes, we have a new Executive Committee team and a new sense of direction. The defensive battles, which fatigued us and sapped our treasury, have given way to a determination to work on offense, developing inspirational new initiatives.

A few of these ideas are: National Monument status for Otero Mesa (which includes Alamo Mountain), returning the Mexican Wolf to its former territory in Big Bend, more renewable energy for El Paso, rainwater harvesting for El Paso homes, and a glass recycling program for our city.

We realize that many of us Sierrans work locally in single-issue groups on specific areas of our environment. Thank you for your support of those worthy causes. But won’t you help us do some things in the name of the Sierra Club? SC is challenged to “cover the waterfront” of environmental causes. With your contributions and participation we can do almost anything.

But your yearly $39 membership fee is not enough to help us brave those new environmental frontiers! We need your ideas. We need your contributions. If you can’t give time, why not give money, directly to the El Paso Group, for use in El Paso?

Please be generous. This is our only local funding appeal for 2014. Let’s think in three or four digits! Perhaps we can raise that $20 average?

Thank you,

Laurence Gibson, Chair
El Paso Group
Rio Grande Chapter
Sierra Club
915 309-5419

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